Member Info

Rehearsal Etiquette
You are expected to arrive early enough to warm up and put your music in order. During the rehearsal, please don’t talk out loud when someone is playing or speaking. Be ready to play on the conductor’s down beat. If you remember that courtesy is everyone’s responsibility, we won’t need to use rehearsal time for discipline. Please take and use the provided pencils. Amateurs remember, professionals write it down!

Rehearsal Schedule


Attendance Policy
We expect every member to attend every rehearsal unless there is a school music event or an important family event. In no case do we want to create a conflict between Zenith and your school band or orchestra. Zenith will abide by your director's opinion as to what is a required school music event.

All students who participate in a school musical must communicate in advance what Zenith rehearsals they expect to miss.

Please plan ahead to avoid conflicts such as scheduled appointments and procrastinated homework. If you have to miss a rehearsal, you must give advance notice by a Rehearsal Absence Form, a telephone call or an email. It is insufficient to send word with another member.

In the case of severe weather, we will notify you if a rehearsal is cancelled. If we have a rehearsal, it is your decision as to the safety of travel.

If a you miss more than three rehearsals for a concert for any reason, the Director will evaluate your attendance on an individual basis. We will give consideration to the reason you were absent and whether you gave advance notice. Members who have unacceptable attendance will be asked not to play for that concert.

A Leave of Absence is available if a member cannot participate for an entire 12 week concert period. The member can rejoin for the next concert if notice is given at the start of the period. Late notice of concert absence will be cause for dismissal from membership.

The success of Zenith depends on you!




Concert Dress
The purpose of our concert dress is to ensure an appropriate image for our ensemble. We want our appearance to be conservative and unobtrusive . These requirements apply to all members of the ensemble including percussionists. If you have comments or concerns about our concert dress, please contact me immediately.

Any variation of the Concert Dress must be approved by the Director in advance, not at the concert.

Mark Petty
248 854-2419 cell
248 879-9362 home

Black, long sleeve blouse/sweater with jewel (high) neckline and mid-calf or lower black skirt OR 
formal full black dress pants (NOT TIGHT)

Alternatively, a mid-calf or lower Black long sleeve dress with jewel (high) neckline

No necklaces
No dangling earrings
No flashy or sparkling jewelry
Black hose
Black dress shoes
The skirt and blouse could be an inexpensive brand from K Mart or Meijer’s.  No white blouses, please.

Band Tux if possible, otherwise conservative dark blue or
   black suit (or sport coat and slacks)
shirt and black bow tie
Black leather dress shoes and black socks

You must wear a coat and tie or make special arrangements with the Director in advance.  This includes percussionists.